Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So sick of all this sickness!!

It seems as if the past couple of weeks have been nothing but yucky for us. First it was the stomach bug that attacked and now it is the cold, cough, sore throat, fever, pink eye bug that is here. So much for wishing for a "healthy" new year. I know that it is that time of year and we should expect to have a little bit of something, but good grief enough is enough! I am so ready for winter to be over. I want to be able to open my windows and air this bug filled house OUT! I am hoping that Mother Nature will be good to us and let some sun shine down on us and blow some warm breezes our way sooner than later! I know that simple bugs come and go and I should be thankful that they are short lived, but I am so sick and tired of everybody being sick and tired that I can not help but wish for Spring! I still have a long way to go, but I am trying to convince myself that it is just around the corner! A girl can hope right? Sorry to vent, but sometimes it just has to come out!! Hope everyone else is having that happy and healthy new year that we wished for! Things will get better I am sure of it, but my patience is wearing thin and I am ready for a break from all these stinking bugs that keep finding their way to my house! Until next time...stay healthy and enjoy the month of February:)