Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Waiting for school to get out...

It seems as if Friday will never get here for the girls! They are so ready to start their summer vacation. Leslea had homework last night and was sooooooo mad about it. I will be glad when I don't have to listen to her grumble about doing her homework. That child does so well in school, but absolutely hates to have homework and it is a fight to get her to finish it. She is always wanting to do anything but what she is supposed to. Anyway, I have posted a few photos from Court's awards ceremony that took place last Friday. She made the honor roll all year and finished with a 9.96 average for the year. Being a little slack in band class got her an A- and brought her 4.0 down just a bit. Oh well, you live and you learn. The girl in the photos with her is one of her very best friends Marissa. They have been friends since we moved up here and I kind of wonder how they will function this summer without seeing one another each and every day. It is nice to have such close friends and I so approve of all of the ones that both of the girls have made here in Michigan. Leslea's awards are on Friday, so I am sure that we will post photos of her at the end of the week. Until then...

1 comment:

Nana said...

Congratulations Courtney! We are so very proud of you. Can't believe you'll be in 8th grade next year! We hope to be able to come to see you guys later if the doctors give Papa permission to come. We were so disappointed not to be able to come this month. I guess God knew best and Papa may not have liked having to stay for weeks in the hospital in Michigan! What a nightmare that would have been. We love you all very much. Sorry I haven't called much lately but it's been pretty busy around here. XOXOXOXO