Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Employee of the Month!!!

Just joking. Leslea's school had a fundraiser at Dairy Queen where 10% of the profits tonight goes straight to Sheldon Woods Elem. They had some of the kids busing tables, cleaning/wiping them down, etc. Well Leslea even took trays of food to the people. We were a little nervous when she was bringing us ours b/c Maddi's ice cream looked like it was going to slide off at any time. It did not and she did a good job. We do not have to worry about her not giving 100% to anything that she does. She just jumps right in, gets the job done and makes it fun no matter what she is doing. She is something else!! She makes us so proud. Here are a few pictures that we were able to snap of her while she was "working."


The Moore's said...

Les, Can I hire you????? A good work ethic is a wonderful thing to have.....

Love Ya,
Aunt Christy

Anonymous said...

Leslea,you look so professional,you'll be working before you know it,keep up the good attitude.. love ya aunt val