Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Well it seems as if the "blog slacking" has hit us or me I should say. Truthfully there has not been much happening that is really worth talking about. Our weekend was good. We messed with our deck a little getting it ready to spend some time on it when the weather gets warm. We went to our friend's Melissa's and Howie's on Friday night for a hotdog roast and sat around the fire and just enjoyed being outside. The mosquitos decided that they wanted to join us, but they were not too bad. Les went to a birthday at Lost City and had fun playing laser tag with some friends from school, Court got some much needed rest, and Maddi just played and played outside enjoying the sunshine and taking full advantage of getting dirty. Then as most of you know, the rain and colder weather came back on Sunday and has not left us yet. We have also taken advantage of the rain and done some inside stuff. The girls cleaned their rooms good on Sunday afternoon and yesterday, Leah and I textured the ceiling downstairs. I am pleased with our work, but we do have to prime it before we paint the walls. Slowly but surely, it will get done. Now the big thing is to find a color that I will be happy with. I have chosen a few, but not decided on one just yet. Oh well, guess I have rambled on long enough. Good things I did not have much to say! Ha!Ha! Enjoy the rest of your week! Until next time...

1 comment:

The Moore's said...

You are not a slacker. You are the bomb......But, I do miss seeing your updates. Don't ever think you update to often. I know some of us don't update enough. That must mean we live really boring lives....I figured it would get to cold in Michigan for mosquitoes to make it. I do hate those things. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week and that the weather improves....