Sunday, March 22, 2009

Random photos of our Sunday hike

Thought that we would share a few of our photos from our "family" time today. When the weather is nice on Sunday's after we go to church and have Sunday dinner, we try to go and do something as a family. We generally like to go on one of the nature trails and just spend some good quality time together outside. Today we thought that is was nice enough to venture out and we went to Mt. Pisgah in Holland. We climbed 258 stairs to get to the top so that we could then follow the trail around. The views were beautiful of the lake. We had a good walk/hike and just enjoyed being outdoors. Enjoy the photos.


Anonymous said...

Hi You Guys!
Looks like you had a wonderful time today. How warm was it? It was sunny but cool here today. I went to Dylan's BD party. He was 5.
I can't wait to see you this summer. We love you all very much.


Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like you had some nicer weather today,it's about time hopefully the coldest is over for all of us for awhile,the girls have grown so much and I know you are all glad to have Mark back with you take care and have a GREAT WEEK, love Aunt Val

Anonymous said...


The Moore's said...

Hello Rosebuds..... Looks like you had a beautiful weekend. The weather here was nice. But, still a little cooler than I like it. Has your snow melted???? Hope you guys have a great week. I can't believe how fast the weekends go by.

Love Ya,